- Standard Cat technologies to monitor, manage, and enhance your jobsite operations.
– Cat Payload* with Assist provides accurate weighing of the bucket payloads. Data is displayed in real time to improve productivity and loading accuracy with manual tip-off.
– VisionLink® provides actionable data insights for all assets – regardless of fleet size or equipment manufacturer.* Customizable dashboards provide information such as hours, miles, location with mapping, idle time, asset status, asset operation, and fuel utilization. Make informed decisions that help to lower costs, simplify maintenance, and improve safety and security on your jobsite.
*Data field availability can vary by equipment manufacturer.
– Autodig allows the operator to fully automate bucket loading to improve fill factors and loading time.
– Auto Set Tires promotes proper loading technique, significantly reducing tire slip and tire wear.
- Optional Cat Advanced Payload** with Assist:
– Tip Off Assist automatizes load adjustment of the final bucket to match hauling unit target.
– Enhanced lists management, site integration, and extended scale features to help manage and improve productivity and profitability of operations.
– e-Ticket allows an operator to generate a weighing ticket and effortlessly send it over the air to any email address.
- Optional VisionLink Productivity gathers and summarizes machine telematics and jobsite data from all your equipment. Improve machine efficiency, productivity, utilization and reduce per-unit costs.
* Not legal for trade
** Legal for trade certified in certain regions